"We are the Ultramarines, the sons of Guilliman. Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath."
An Ancient, also known as a Standard Bearer, is a hand-picked Veteran of a Space Marine Chapter who is chosen to bear the sacred battle standards of a Chapter or one of its individual companies and is usually part of a Chapter or company Honour Guard. These battle standards are possibly the most revered of all a Chapter's artefacts.
A Bladeguard Veteran, who is usually part of a Bladeguard Veteran Squad, is a Veteran Primaris Space Marine largely dedicated to a melee tactical role. Bladeguard Veterans are those Primaris Marines who have earned the right to serve in the elite 1st Company of a Primaris-only Space Marine Chapter raised during the Ultima Founding or later, those who serve in the 1st Company of an already-extant Chapter alongside their Firstborn brethren, or those who are already Veteran Marines and have crossed the Rubicon Primaris.
The Ultramarines are considered one of the strongest and most honoured of all the Space Marine Chapters in the Imperium of Man, and were responsible for almost single-handedly holding the Imperium together after the Horus Heresy.
Recreate the most important battles with this highly detailed and articulated figure.
Box includes one figure and accessories.